Love Your Sugary Cereal? Perhaps you Ought to Follow It with a Big Glass of Milk

Cereal has a reputation as being a healthy food, but not all cereal is created equal, as many contain high amounts of sugar. Leeds City Dentalcare certainly doesn’t recommend having a high sugar breakfast to start the day, but recent research has shown that drinking milk afterwards could at least help reduce the risk of tooth decay. The study was published in the Journal of the American Dental Association and shows that drinking milk after eating a bowl of cereal that is high in sugar could help to reduce the acidity levels in the mouth that would otherwise lead to cavities.

Dentist LeedsResearchers think that milk can help mitigate the damaging effects of eating sugary carbohydrates, and that it can help overcome low pH levels in the mouth. Participants in the study were asked to eat 20 g of dry sugary cereal before washing it down with several different types of drinks including tap water, apple juice and whole milk. The result showed that the order in which food is eaten can help reduce the risk of cavities.

This means it is possible to modify your diet to help keep your teeth healthy; for example ending a sugary meal with a small piece of cheese has been found to help protect the teeth against tooth decay. This is because cheese is rich in calcium and casein, and it can help to repair the tooth enamel. It’s important to remember that not all milk is the same, as many people now choose to drink soy milk, and an earlier study has found that this could actually increase the risk of cavities.

Why is it so Important to Avoid Tooth Decay?

Tooth decay is incredibly common, and is one of those things that’s very easy to underestimate, especially as it usually doesn’t cause any pain or discomfort until it’s quite well advanced. Even though Dr David Brown is able to repair your teeth using the latest composite resin materials, it’s always better to try to preserve your teeth for as long as possible. Once you lose that tooth structure it can only ever be replaced artificially, and you will continue to need fillings in that tooth for the rest of its life.

Early detection is essential, and it’s something that is easily achieved through having regular check-ups by our dentist in Leeds City Dentalcare. Our dentists will use a variety of different techniques to check for any small lesions or pits in your tooth enamel that may indicate the beginnings of a cavity. They will visually examine your teeth to check for any small signs, and will regularly take x-rays that allow them to see the areas in between each tooth, as cavities often develop in these regions.

If detected early enough, small lesions can sometimes be halted in their tracks with fluoride treatments, as fluoride helps to repair and harden the tooth enamel, but this is something that can only be done when the lesion is still very small. The best way is to practice preventative dental care is through brushing and flossing your teeth every day, and making sure you visit our dental surgery in Leeds at regular intervals.

Dr. David S Brown

David is principal dentist & clinical director of Leeds City Dentalcare. Having graduated at Leeds University & at the Royal College of Surgeons, London, he joined the practice in 1990 & took over as principal in 1992. He has a passion for ensuring that we are equipped with the very latest & finest equipment available securing our place as one of the best equipped practices in Yorkshire.

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Published by

Dr. David S Brown

David is principal dentist & clinical director of Leeds City Dentalcare. Having graduated at Leeds University & at the Royal College of Surgeons, London, he joined the practice in 1990 & took over as principal in 1992. He has a passion for ensuring that we are equipped with the very latest & finest equipment available securing our place as one of the best equipped practices in Yorkshire.