Having a Smile Makeover

More people are choosing to have a smile makeover Leeds as there is an increasing emphasis on having nice teeth. The truth is we often make up our minds about someone a few minutes after meeting them, and this is something that can often depend on whether or not a person smiles very much. The trouble is if you’re not happy with the way your teeth look then it can make you very self-conscious about smiling, leading to others incorrectly perceiving you as being cold or stuck up even though this could not be any further from the truth. Common reasons for wanting a smile makeover include:

  • Being unhappy with the colour of your teeth, as they may be stained or yellow
  • Having crooked teeth
  • Having gaps in between your teeth
  • Missing one or more teeth
  • Noticing your teeth appear worn down or chipped
  • Not wanting to smile in front of others
  • Being fed up with covering your mouth whenever you laugh or smile

If you are unhappy with your smile, then it may well be worth just booking a consultation with Dr David Brown or with another cosmetic dentist at our Leeds surgery. Your smile might be significantly improved through relatively conservative dental treatments, and it could be much more affordable than you’d think. Leeds City Dentalcare offers a huge range of cosmetic dental treatment, and our dentists will be able to talk you through each treatment, and how it could improve your smile. It all depends on how drastically you want to change the look of your teeth, and whether or not you have any existing problems that could affect a smile makeover.

One of the first things we will want to do is ensure your mouth is healthy and free from disease, and that you do not have any other conditions that may affect your dental health, as for instance untreated teeth grinding can cause a lot of damage to teeth and gums, and could ruin veneers or crowns. After this we will listen to you to find out which aspects of your smile you’re most unhappy with, and how you would really like your smile to look. We will let you know what can realistically be achieved through having a smile makeover Leeds, and what can be done within your budget.

The next step will be to put together a treatment plan. This will provide you with a breakdown of the different treatments involved in your smile makeover, and their cost. Of course it is up to you as to what you decide to have done, as you may wish to opt for just one treatment, or if you wish for an extensive amount of work it could well be possible to split it into manageable sections.

It might be that any work needs to be carried out in a specific order. For instance, if you want to have straighter teeth we may recommend orthodontics Leeds followed by teeth whitening and veneers. The reason for this is that your newly straightened teeth may mean you need fewer veneers to perfect your smile, and it is likely less tooth structure will need removing to fit the veneers than if you had not had braces. Teeth whitening is always best carried out before having new porcelain restorations such as veneers and crowns, as it makes it far easier to accurately match the shade. These are all details we will discuss with you during your consultation for your new smile.

Dr. David S Brown

David is principal dentist & clinical director of Leeds City Dentalcare. Having graduated at Leeds University & at the Royal College of Surgeons, London, he joined the practice in 1990 & took over as principal in 1992. He has a passion for ensuring that we are equipped with the very latest & finest equipment available securing our place as one of the best equipped practices in Yorkshire.

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