Research Reveals That Men Unwilling to Change Their Oral Health Habits, In Spite Of the Potential Risks

The results of a study released last year showed a link between severe periodontal disease or gum disease, and impotence. The study was carried out over a five-year period, and showed a clear link between these two conditions especially in men aged below 30 or over the age of 70. One thing the study didn’t show was whether or not periodontal disease was responsible for impotence, or exactly what the link might be. It’s been speculated that it’s probably due to the fact that periodontal disease is an inflammatory condition, and the inflammation in the blood vessels could cause erectile dysfunction.

You’d have thought this type of information would be enough to make men pay more attention to their dental health, but recent research by the British Dental Health Foundation revealed that only 55% of men who were aware of this possible link would take steps to improve on their oral hygiene. Not surprisingly the study also showed that less than a quarter of men were aware of the possible connection. The chief executive of the British Dental Health Foundation, Dr Nigel Carter OBE, is concerned that men don’t take these claims seriously in spite of the fact that many research papers have shown a link.

Simple Preventative Measures Can Greatly Improve Oral Health

There is no need to develop gum disease or periodontal disease as this condition is preventable through having regular check-ups combined with a scale and polish at Leeds City Dentalcare. Regular appointments with Dr David Brown or any of our dentist in Kent will help ensure any early signs of gum disease are picked up before they can cause any health problems.

Regular professional cleanings are an essential preventative measure, as it is all too easy to miss areas of your teeth when brushing and flossing, allowing dental plaque to remain in place. The problem with this is that dental plaque can harden into a substance called calculus or tartar within as little as 48 hours. This substance is so hard it can only be removed through scaling the teeth, something that can only be done by a dental professional. Failure to remove tartar or calculus within a reasonable timeframe will increase the risk that your gums will become irritated by the toxins produced by tartar. This irritation can lead to the gums becoming inflamed, and this can herald the start of gum disease, something that in its early stages is called gingivitis. If left untreated gingivitis can easily develop into periodontal disease, a much more serious inflammatory condition that has the ability to affect the whole body.

This is because the inflammation present in the mouth can easily enter the bloodstream, causing the kind of problems that can lead to impotence. However this is not the only worry with periodontal disease, as it’s also been linked with the numerous serious health conditions, including heart disease, due to its inflammatory nature. The reasons for trying to maintain a healthy mouth are compelling. Good oral health can easily be achieved simply through putting aside 10 minutes each day for oral care at home, combined with just an hour or so at our Leeds dental surgery every six months.

Dr. David S Brown

David is principal dentist & clinical director of Leeds City Dentalcare. Having graduated at Leeds University & at the Royal College of Surgeons, London, he joined the practice in 1990 & took over as principal in 1992. He has a passion for ensuring that we are equipped with the very latest & finest equipment available securing our place as one of the best equipped practices in Yorkshire.

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