General Dentistry at Leeds City Dentalcare

General dental care is designed to help you maintain your oral health. The kinds of services that fall under this heading include restorative and emergency dental care, but preventative dental care is one of the most important. It’s something we place a great deal of emphasis on, as we feel it’s the best way for our patients to enjoy good oral health at a reasonable cost. Regular dental visits are an essential part of preventative care.

Preventative Dental Care Is Best

You may the very best oral hygiene routine possible, but problems can still arise, and this is why those six monthly check-ups are so important. We will be able to detect any small signs of decay before they cause any symptoms, and can spot any other problems before they require extensive treatment. You’ll benefit from lower dental bills in the longer term, and better oral health. It only takes an hour or so to visit our Leeds surgery, and you’ll enjoy greater peace of mind knowing your smile is properly cared for.

One of the main things our dentists check for is any early signs of gum disease, as this condition is easily curable if caught early, but if left, it may develop into periodontal disease which is far more serious, and more difficult to treat. It has also been linked with numerous other health conditions, including heart disease and diabetes. It is also a great idea to book an appointment with one of our dental hygienists at the same time to have your teeth professionally cleaned and polished.

The Importance of Dental Hygiene Appointments

Our dental hygienists work closely with our dentists to help patients achieve the very best oral health they can. They will remove all the hardened plaque (calculus) from your teeth by gently scraping it away, before polishing your teeth. One of the advantages of this treatment is that it will help to polish away some of the surface stains, so your teeth will look a little whiter, and your breath will be fresher.

Your dental hygienist is the person to ask if you have any questions about the best way to brush or floss, and they’ll work with you to help you find a technique right for your specific needs. This is especially true for flossing, as we realise many people find it tricky, but it is so important! It’s a great idea to ask your hygienist for tips and advice, and they’ll also be able to point out any areas you might be missing. The truth is it’s all too easy to get into a regular routine of brushing your teeth without really thinking about what you’re doing and whether you’re covering all the tooth surfaces.

Oral Cancer Screenings

Part of your dental exam will include a screening for oral cancer. This disease is thankfully rare, but like all cancers treatment is much more successful when it’s caught early. Our dentist in Leeds will examine all your oral tissues for signs of any changes. They are looking for signs that the colour of the oral tissues has changed, or for any signs of lumps, rough patches, or thickened areas. Other indications that something may be amiss include sore patches that don’t heal easily, or noticing teeth meet together slightly differently. While this disease is more prevalent amongst smokers and heavy drinkers, some 25% of cases occur in people who have neither of these habits.

General dental care at Leeds City Dentalcare will help you maintain good oral health with the minimum of fuss. Regular dental visits help greatly to lessen the possibility of any nasty surprises and big dental bills, and are well worth the effort.

Dr. David S Brown

David is principal dentist & clinical director of Leeds City Dentalcare. Having graduated at Leeds University & at the Royal College of Surgeons, London, he joined the practice in 1990 & took over as principal in 1992. He has a passion for ensuring that we are equipped with the very latest & finest equipment available securing our place as one of the best equipped practices in Yorkshire.

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