Could Cosmetic Dentistry Help Improve Your Career Prospects?

A recent study carried out by Oral-B showed participants thought people with a healthy and attractive smile were more likely to be successful in life compared to those with less appealing teeth. The survey showed that these participants thought people with an attractive smile were more likely to be higher earners compared to those with unhealthy looking teeth. The results of this survey are hardly a surprise as numerous studies have shown the increasing value placed on having a healthy, white and attractive smile. It’s been shown that people think this can improve career prospects, and can even increase the chances of finding the love of your life.

It’s tempting to disregard such studies as it can be uncomfortable to think that someone’s chances of happiness and career success are linked to the way they look. However most of us make up our minds about another person within just a few minutes of meeting them, so first impressions do matter. In addition most people feel more confident and more able to express themselves, and to smile and talk with others when they know their teeth look good. Luckily there are lots of things you can do to help improve the look of your teeth if you’re not particularly happy with their appearance, and many of these treatments are really quite affordable.

Even Minor Alterations to Your Teeth Can Make a Huge Difference

For instance teeth whitening is something that is within the reach of just about everyone and choosing to whiten your teeth professionally by dentist in Leeds City Dentalcare will give you the best and safest results. Nowadays more and more people are opting for a natural looking smile, and you should really be aiming for a colour that isn’t any whiter than the whites of your eyes. This is quite different even compared to just a few years ago when many were looking for the brightest and whitest Hollywood style smile regardless of whether or not it suited their looks and skin tone.

If some of your teeth are crooked then you may want to think about having orthodontic treatment which can not only help to straighten your teeth, but also improve oral health. This is well worth considering if you find you struggle to clean all of your teeth due to them being too crooked or overcrowded. If you’re generally happy with the appearance of your teeth, then you could use dental veneers to straighten them, and it’s a great treatment to use in combination with teeth whitening. Dental veneers are relatively conservative as only a tiny amount of the front surface of the tooth needs to be removed in order to make room for the dental veneer. It’s best to use our home teeth whitening prior to having your dental veneers as this will ensure they can be accurately matched to your newly bleached teeth.

Not everyone wants to have dental veneers, and another option is to simply have some of your teeth bonded. This is a very quick and effective treatment that uses composite resin material to reshape teeth that may be slightly out of alignment, or which may have small defects.

None of these options will break the bank but could make a huge difference to your smile. If you are interested, it’s best to make an appointment to see Dr David Brown or another of our dentists to discuss the different options for cosmetic dentistry in Leeds.

Dr. David S Brown

David is principal dentist & clinical director of Leeds City Dentalcare. Having graduated at Leeds University & at the Royal College of Surgeons, London, he joined the practice in 1990 & took over as principal in 1992. He has a passion for ensuring that we are equipped with the very latest & finest equipment available securing our place as one of the best equipped practices in Yorkshire.

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